Espalier Redbud Tree

This beautiful espalier redbud tree placed to the right of the home’s front door greets guests with amazing blooms in the spring and gorgeous leaves in the summer and fall. This tree is about 30 years old, and is a lovely example of the espalier technique.

Espalier is the horticultural practice of controlling woody plant growth for the production of fruit or esthetic decoration. Branches are pruned and tied to a frame. Plants are frequently shaped in formal patterns, flat against a structure like a wall, fence or trellis. Vineyards have used this process for thousands of years.

This tree is about 30 years old.

Beautiful Trees

Beautiful flowering trees. They pick up your spirits, bring a smile to your face and convince you that better days lay ahead. This White Princess Dogwood, in full bloom, truly is a royal majestic site to see!

Part of the landscape design process is knowing how trees and shrubs grow, and what they will look like during each season. This walkway is gorgeous throughout the year.

Our maintenance team was glad to be working at this home today.

#floweringtrees #spring2022 #customlandscape

Inspiring Fall Colors

Selecting the proper trees for your home’s landscape is an important part of the design process. At Landfare Ltd., we take into consideration your lot size, adjacency to your home or other structures and how you may want each type of tree selected to perform. Are big shade trees important, or do you prefer evergreens? Many of our clients want to ensure their trees provide a healthy habitat for birds. And nearly every one wants their landscape to provide a colorful show in the fall.

We’ve selected a few of our favorite trees, all that will give you that prototypical Ohio fall foliage display that announces fall.

Red Sunset Maples are beautiful throughout the year: winter buds, clusters of small spring flowers, stems and winged summer fruits all in a striking red hue. But when fall leaves burst out in red and orange, the result is show-stopping color that really epitomizes the perfect fall display of color. The Red Sunset is a large tree – 454 to 50 feet tall with a 25 to 40 feet spread – and while it offers wonderful green leafed shade in the summer, it’s the fall foliage that makes the biggest impact on your landscape.

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Bringing Nature to Your Backyard

If you love the sound of birds singing and enjoy sightings of cardinals, gold finches and robins in your backyard, there are trees and shrubs that will attract them through every season. We suggest trees that will enhance the landscape design and offer shelter and food for native birds. Some of our favorites at Landfare Ltd. include:

Flowering Dogwood
This ornamental tree is popular in Central Ohio because it blooms white, pink or red flowers in the spring – always a welcome sight after a cold winter. In fall, their scarlet berries attract robins, bluebirds, thrushes, cardinals and many other species of bird.

These medium sized trees have beautiful spring blossoms but it is their fall fruits that are winter-persistent that make birds sing! There are several varieties available, with some bearing fruit as small as 1/4″ round, which makes the easy for robins, bluebirds, cardinals, finches and other birds to easily eat.

Northern Bayberry Shrub
A semi-evergreen shrub, the Northern Bayberry is known for its fragrant, waxy, silver-gray berries that stay on the shrub throughout the year. Tree swallows and bluebirds love the fruit and often will nest in the shrub.




Staghorn Sumac
This shrub is most beautiful in the fall when it shows brilliant red foliage. That’s also when its winter persistent fruit ripens, attracting robins, bluebirds, cardinals, chickadees and starlings.

Unless you have a very large lot where trees can be planted far from your entertaining and service areas, we do suggest avoid planting any Mulberry trees. While they are lovely and birds certainly do enjoy their summer fruit, they among the messier trees, with berries staining whatever they fall on.

Creating a landscape sanctuary for you and native birds is part of the process we work through at Landfare Ltd.