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5 Stonegate_DSC01786-HDR.jpg

Grandview, Ohio

Stone Gate Village Drive

This Grandview couple recently downsized to a beautiful home in Grandview, Ohio from a large estate in Upper Arlington after their kids went off on their own. They wanted to still have a beautiful garden and sitting area to enjoy on warm nights.


Landfare Ltd. installed a TimberTech decking for long-term weather proofing. The most challenging part of the install was the large slope, which was an engineering feat. The concrete columns were eight feet deep, and required water to bore the holes because of their depth. The irregular flagstone with butter jointing path and stairs allowed for an organic transition to the patio. This was paired with an aluminum fence/gating with a stainless steel railing. This created a beautiful and strong outline to the patio.


They could look down from the railing to see their grandchildren playing in the creek. Landfare Ltd. recommended boxwoods and perennials with round and sculpted shapes for a whimsical feel. The hummingbird feeders were a nice touch to create the right atmosphere around a beautiful copper fountain. The couple also were looking for a retreat to lounge with a fireplace. Designing the outdoor pergola and dining area was the finishing touch for both, a retreat and outdoor oasis.

Patio sitting off the hillside by a ravine, an engineering feat

The front yard showcases a beautiful garden that was meant to look like a stream of flowers. There is a layered landscaping to create greenery even in cold weather.


There is a beautiful espalier redbud tree placed to the right of the home’s front door to greet guests with amazing blooms in the spring and gorgeous leaves in the summer and fall. There is a custom potted wall at the base to create an even more refined look. The tree, shown, is about 30 years old, and is a lovely example of the espalier technique. Espalier is the horticultural practice of controlling woody plant growth for the production of fruit or esthetic decoration. Branches are pruned and tied to a frame. Plants are frequently shaped in formal patterns, flat against a structure like a wall, fence or trellis. Vineyards have used this process for thousands of years. 

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